We start accepting pre-order for BassBoy+
I’m so glad to be able to announce new products to all of you. it’s called as “BassBoy+”.
- Release date : 30th June 2013
- Price : 18000yen
AC Adapter is not included. you can use that comes with “#002 Mountan”. It’s #059 AC Adapter 12V. please order it with “BassBoy+”
You can order it at my web site. and you can also buy at “implant4” at Oosaka, Japan. you can check its sound there.
Release Campaign
there is some plan of release campaign for BassBoy+
- Customer who put pre-order to beatnic.jp until June 30th can get Softcase for Mountain for free.
- Customer who get BassBoy+ at implant4 can get Softcase for Mountain for free. (Limitted)
- I demonstrate and sell it on the spot at “TOKYO FESTIVAL of MODULAR 2013” on June, 30th at Reon’s both.
Softcase for Mountain is gadget bag. Put an pre-order and get it for free!
- for more information about “TOKYO FESTIVAL of MODULAR 2013” is here.
- Top page of implant4 is here.
- Offical catalog page for “BassBoy+” is here.
send e-mail for Pre order to beatnic.jp
I’m waiting for your pre order now!
- リリース日:2013年6月30日
- メーカー希望小売価格:18000円(ACアダプタは別売)
Mountainに付属のACアダプターがそのまま使えます。単品の商品としては、#059 AC Adaptor 12V :1400円となります。合わせて御注文ください。
- implant4(大阪)さんの御協力で、御購入の方には、Mountainのソフトケースをプレゼント!(数量限定です)
- 発売日までにbeatnic.jpでご予約いただいたお客様には、Mountainのソフトケースをプレゼント!
- 6/30開催の「東京フェスティバルモジュラー 2013」 にReonさんのブースにて、デモ展示即売を行います。