#220 MIDI-IF KIT for SX-150 mk2 V2

Order id | Price | Weight | Status | Stock |
#220 | 2400Yen | 30gram | release | 3 |
MIDI-IF for SX-150mk2 kit (includes #201, #221 and #223)
w/o enclosure, Connectors and pots。We recommend that getting with #222 Connector set for SX-150.
it’s not beginner’s projects.
MIDI-IF for monotron kit (#201と#221、#223を含みます)
ケース、コネクタ類、ポット類は含みません。#222のConnector Setと合わせてのご購入をお勧めします。
#201 PCB for MIDI-IF V2
All the series of MIDI-IF KIT use this board.
Double sided through hole and 40mmX50mm
すべてのMIDI-IF KITシリーズで共通です。
- Order ID:#201
- Price 1200Yen (10gram)

#221 Parts set of MIDI-IF for SX-150MK2
Parts set of MIDI-IF for SX-150mk2.
All the parts on the board. w/o pre-programed CPU. Connectors and pots are another option.
- Order ID:#221
- Price 700Yen (10gram)

#222 Connector set of MIDI-IF for SX-150mk2
Connector set of MIDI-IF for SX-150mk2. it incudes ..
MIDI-IF for SX-150mk2用のコネクタ・ポット類のセットです. 以下を含みます
- pot:100k
- pot:10k
- pot:1k
- DIN5 pin jack
- stylus connector
- 3.5mm mini plug
- battery snap (for 006p)
- Order ID:#222
- Price 450Yen (40gram)

#223 Pre-Programed CPU(TYPE B)
Pre-Programed CPU for MIDI-IF series.
This CPU can be used for MIDI-IF for SX-150mk2.
- Order ID:#223
- Price 500Yen (10gram)

Weight | NorthAmerica / Australia |
Europe |
under 500g | 2000 yen | 2200 yen |
under 600g | 2180 yen | 2400 yen |
under 1kg | 2900 yen | 3200 yen |