this board has originally developed as “Sync it”. but this can be used as for ATTINY2313’S experiments board.
When you build it as is then you get “Sync it”. But that’s not goal that I intend for this kit. please rebuild it as you want and write another software for it.
there should be some hint to do something fun.
Sync It
this configuration is most basic one. build the board as is. MIDI Bare includes all that Components for this.
There is MIDI-IN and monotribe triger out.
changing software, you may build …
- MIDI to DIN Sync converter
- getting MIDI Clock and make it as DIN Sync signal
- MIDI trigger
- getting MIDI NOTE ON and putput them as a trigger for something one shots sound unit like drum machine or so
this configuration first step mod, may be. you have one MIDI-IN and one MIDI-OUT.
the software of this configration may be…
- MIDI filter
- this software remove real time message or CC. re-generat MIDI message for the MIDI machine that can accept running status
- arpeggiater
- getting cord from MIDI-IN and output them as arpeggiation
- Din Sync to MIDI-Clock converter
- getting DIN Sync signal and make it as MIDI Clock.
- MIDI-Clock generator
- Adding one alternato sw and getting tempo from tappin it.