
Pre-order starts for “Log/Exp Amp”

Now, I’m prepare to release “Log/Exp Amp”. It will be released at Dec. 2013. And we also start accepting pre-order for “Log/Exp Amp”.
There is special price for new release campaign. and there also free “Softcase for mountain” for the cusutomer who put a pre-order.

Description about the products, check it out here.

accepting pre-order will finish in 20th of Dec. 2013 and it will ship in 24th DEC. I will report it for each of customers.

Contact to “”. Puts a pre-order. And gets “Soft Case for mountain” for free!

Log/Exp Amp

“Log/Exp Amp” is set of 3 modules that’s not include with Korg MS-20 mini inside.

First module is ”Exp Amp”. This module will convert the CV that V/OCT system to V/Hz system. this module allow you to use popular analog sequencer or musical keyboard for MS-20 mini’s VCO.

Next module is “Log amp”. This module will convert the CV that V/Hz system to V/OCT system. MS-20’s keyboard outputs CV as V/Hz system. This module converts it to V/OCT system. this module allow yout to play EURO-RACK module’s VCO by MS-20 mini’s keyboard.

The last module will invert polarity of gate. you can drive MS-20 mini by TB-303’s internal sequencer or so.
Those of 3 modules are packed into small box that can ride on top of MS-20 mini. This box requires AC adapter separately from MS20 mini.

  • Size;100X65X35mm (without outshoot)
  • Weight:100g (without package for carriage)
  • Power Source:AC Adapter (9V/1.3A) AC Adapter don’t include in this product. and the power source spec of this item had changed from 5V to 9V.
  • Owner’s Manual (Download)

#”MS-20 mini” is trademark of KORG INC.


Playing DarkEnergy2 by MS-20 mini with Log/Exp Amp

and more videos are there.
Playing A-100 by MS-20 mini with Log/Exp Amp
Playing Nanozwerg by MS-20 mini with Log/Exp Amp
Playing MS-20 mini by Bassline3 with Log/Exp Amp
Playing MS-20 miniby DarkTime with Log/Exp Amp
Special thanks to Hukusan kigyou, Five G and Shotaro!
Five G Music technology’s page is here.
Each products names are trademark of each companies.

New product “Log/Exp Amp” will release.

Let me introduce to you a new products of
I take it to some event in this Fall. Thank you for many feed backs. It’s synth module that combine with MS-20mini from korg.

  • Products: Log/Exp Amp
  • Release : Dec. 2013
  • Sticker Price : 11000 yen
  • Description:
      “Log/Exp Amp” is set of 3 modules that’s not include with Korg MS-20 mini inside.

      First module is ”Exp Amp”. This module will convert the CV that V/OCT system to V/Hz system. this module allow you to use popular analog sequencer or musical keyboard for MS-20 mini’s VCO.

      Next module is “Log amp”. This module will convert the CV that V/Hz system to V/OCT system. MS-20’s keyboard outputs CV as V/Hz system. This module converts it to V/OCT system. this module allow yout to play EURO-RACK module’s VCO by MS-20 mini’s keyboard.

      The last module will invert polarity of gate. you can drive MS-20 mini by TB-303’s internal sequencer or so.
      Those of 3 modules are packed into small box that can ride on top of MS-20 mini. This box requires AC adapter separately from MS20 mini.

  • Size;100X65X35mm (without outshoot)
  • Weight:100g (without package for carriage)
  • Power Source:AC Adapter (5V/1.2A )


this products is intended to use with MS-20 mini to expands its capability. and this module is the one of the serial products.
and there should be another modules something like OSC or Filter in same price range. will make it for the user who need more possibilities.

#”MS-20 mini” is trademark of KORG INC.

Maker Faire Tokyo 2013

beatnic.jpは、Maker Faire Tokyo 2013に出展します。



  • 2013年11月3日(日)12:00~17:00
  • 日本科学未来館 東京都江東区青海2-3-6
    タイム24ビル 東京都江東区青海2-4-32
  • 前売:大人 1,000 円、18歳以下 500円
    当日:大人 1,500 円、18歳以下 700円


  • モジュラーシンセなどの、ピッチ用のCVの規格で、V/Hz仕様のCVをV/Octタイプ、またその逆への変換と、ゲートの極性を反転するボックス。
  • オーディオ信号にも使える汎用のミキサー

KorgのMS-29miniとあわせて使う事を提案します。この製品によって、Korg以外のメーカーが採用する1V/OctタイプのCVをKorgMS-20 miniから引き出すことが出来ます。初めてのモジュラーシンセとして、MS-29miniという選択の可能性を大きく広げます。

※”MS-20 mini”は、KORG 株式会社の商標です 。”MS-20 mini” is trademark of KORG INC.